No to Vulgar Words!

Almost everyday one can hear  vulgar words  streaming from one’s neighbors, from people you meet in the street on your way to school or the office,  or probably from the driver or a fellow passenger in the jeepney.  And when you get to school you hear schoolmates shout such words to one another in the lobby and hallways.  Other students even  dare  to say these inside the classroom…in the presence of a teacher.  What temerity!

Where did these vulgar or crappy words come from anyway?

Vulgar words come out of ourselves due to the highest point of our emotions. We usually say those words when we think of something or someone we usually hate or get mad of.

This topic may sound sensitive to others to the others but this called my attention as I pass corridors filled with numerous students everyday. Call me stupid, I accept it. But this is just how it goes.

A vulgar word doesn’t need to be said in a loud voice or much more in a rude manner. These words should never be spoken at all. Especially that we are in a university, in a much respected school.

These words, no matter how angry or depressed a person is, they should always be tucked in mind/ never to be said. The sad part here is that almost everyone, even the youngsters, knows how to say these words. And to think of it, they’re quite confident in saying these because they would look like “astig” to their colleagues. Certainly, this attitude of using these words  would be brought up until adulthood. Sad to say but true.