by Marinel Octa

Love truly is amazing. You’ll never know when will it hit you and you’ll never know when will it hurt you. Love at first is so sweet like those candy canes we often see at the kiddy’s stores. But when it reaches its turning point, it’s like the taste of a tamarind, so sour, and may even be bitter you’d want to vomit it.

I think everyone’s been hit by love in one way or another. So deeply, some dare to love someone even though they know they’re taking risks. Others, however, because of too much love, forget their  time-tested friendships and their whole world becomes dominated by the object of their love.  In extreme cases, the pain and disappointments love brings  could even drive  desperate lovers to commit suicide.

Just like everyone else, I have experienced this (as they say) wonderful phenomenon. It usually begins with just a thud or a pop in my heart whenever I see my, so called, “crush” whom I sometimes consider as the “love” of my life.

No matter what I do, I can’t erase this  feeling of great admiration , longing and attraction to him.  However,  when  the hurting part comes, my heart slowly squeaks, crash and before I know it, it has been broken to a million pieces.

I don’t understand why, oh why, most of the time, the people we love most, cannot be ours. Maybe, we just have to learn  to accept that life can be tough at times and that we cannot have everything we want.  And  I guess it’s time for me to let go.   It’s time  to accept that he’s not meant for me.  It’s time to forget. Oh how it hurts at first,  but  I am consoled to know  that  in a while when I have come to terms with the loss, it will not hurt this bad anymore.  Besides, they say, time heals all wounds.

After being in love and being hurt, I’m not saying that it’s wrong to love someone and commit oneself to a relationship.  By all means, love  and  feel its thrills and pains if you must.  However, the lesson I learned is that we must  not give all we have to the point that when it’s all over we are reduced to nothing.  We must save ourselves some sense of dignity and decency.  For , at this point in our lives, we are too young and maybe too impulsive to take love too seriously. We’re too naive,  and at times blinded by our feelings that we forget what our real priorities and goals in life.

I’ve been there, guys, so I can tell you I’ve learned my lesson well.  Now I know that my family, my studies and building a good life are at the top of my list.  Love will have its perfect time and place later.  And  anytime  I want to really feel a perfect love I know whom to turn to: God… He’s always right there,  24/7, anytime, anywhere.  And He never runs out of love for me, for you, for all of us.

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